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The Manny Familia 267 Foundation

On Friday, June 4th, Officer Familia responded to a 911 call reporting the drowning of 14-year-old Troy Love in Green Hill Pond, Worcester. Tragically, neither Officer Familia nor Troy Love emerged from the water alive. Worcester didn't just lose a remarkable officer that day; it lost a brother, a friend, and a partner who made a selfless decision and the ultimate sacrifice to save a young life.

Today, we remember and celebrate the life of Manny, a dedicated, loving, and compassionate individual, through The Manny 267 Foundation, established by his beloved family.

The Familia family established this foundation to raise awareness about drowning hazards and the importance of water safety for first responders and the community. Our mission at The Manny 267 Foundation is to raise funds to donate Manny Tubes to police departments nationwide and to provide water safety training for officers and swimming lessons for children, thus preventing such tragedies from occurring again.

In honor of Manny, we invite you to join us in continuing his legacy and making a difference in promoting water safety nationwide.

You can visit us at:
Video by: Nate Killian

Net of Compassion

In the heart of Central Massachusetts, a powerful alliance has emerged between the United Latinos Business Alliance and Net of Compassion, a beacon of hope founded by Pastor Richie Gonzalez and his wife Elizabeth. What began as a simple act of kindness—handing out sandwiches on the sidewalks of Main South in Worcester—has blossomed into a weekly ritual that has touched the lives of countless individuals struggling with poverty, substance use disorder, homelessness, and mental illness.

A Shared Vision:

The story of Net of Compassion mirrors the journey of Pastor Richie Gonzalez, who, having faced his own battles with substance use disorder and homelessness, decided to make a difference. This selfless act of compassion has since grown into a dedicated team of volunteers working tirelessly to serve over 300 hot meals every Saturday since 2010.

The Evolution of Compassion:

What started as a humble distribution of sandwiches has transformed into a comprehensive support system. Net of Compassion now provides not only hot meals but also clothing, food pantry items, toiletries, and most importantly, a sense of encouragement and community. The organization goes beyond the immediate needs, offering referrals to other essential services that can aid individuals on their journey to stability.

A Safety Net of Support:

The heart of Net of Compassion lies in its volunteers, who form a safety net of support for those in need. Through peer support, compassionate engagement, and referrals to treatment, they create a web of assistance that extends far beyond the distribution of physical necessities. The volunteers of Net of Compassion are not merely providing sustenance; they are weaving connections, building trust, and offering a lifeline to those who may feel forgotten.

United Latinos Business Alliance Joins the Cause:

Recognizing the impactful work of Net of Compassion, the United Latinos Business Alliance has proudly joined hands with this organization. The alliance aims to strengthen the existing safety net and contribute to the holistic support system that Net of Compassion provides to the community.

Pulling Threads Together:

Together, the United Latinos Business Alliance and Net of Compassion are pulling threads from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and resources to create a robust Net of Compassion. This collaboration goes beyond charity; it is a testament to the power of unity and shared purpose.


As the United Latinos Business Alliance and Net of Compassion join forces, the impact on Central Massachusetts is bound to be profound. By weaving a Net of Compassion that encompasses not only physical necessities but also emotional support, encouragement, and referrals to essential services, this partnership is a beacon of hope for those facing the challenges of poverty, substance use disorder, homelessness, and mental illness. Together, they are demonstrating that when communities unite, they have the power to uplift, inspire, and create lasting change.
Video by: City of Worcester REACH Program

El Buen Samaritano (EBS) Food Program Inc.

In Central Massachusetts, where the tapestry of communities is rich and diverse, the United Latinos Business Alliance proudly joins forces with EBS Food Program Inc. to tackle a critical issue: food insecurity. This collaboration represents more than just a partnership; it is a collective response to address the immediate needs of residents and build a foundation for long-term community resilience.

EBS Food Program Inc.: A Legacy of Community-Centric Support

Founded in 1991, EBS Food Program Inc. has been a steadfast pillar in Worcester, combating food insecurity and providing essential services to individuals and families. With a commitment to ensuring that no one goes to bed hungry, EBS serves as more than just a food pantry; it functions as a community center, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment.

Operated entirely by volunteers, EBS embodies the belief that collaborative community efforts can make a tangible difference. The organization not only supplies nutritious food, including fresh produce, but also serves as a hub for diverse community members to come together, donate, and volunteer their time—a testament to breaking the cycle of food insecurity through collective action.

Beyond Food: A Holistic Approach to Community Well-Being

EBS extends its impact beyond the immediate provision of food. Recognizing that the roots of food insecurity are often entwined with various challenges, EBS goes the extra mile. The organization assists with SNAP applications, connects individuals with resources for shelters, housing, elderly care, and mental health services. Additionally, clients receive toiletries and access to donated clothing and household items, emphasizing a holistic approach to well-being.

United Latinos Business Alliance: Fostering Unity and Economic Empowerment

Enter the United Latinos Business Alliance, a non-profit organization deeply rooted in the mission of fostering economic empowerment within the Latino community. Understanding the symbiotic relationship between economic stability and food security, the Alliance has been a driving force in initiatives ranging from educational outreach to business development.

Building Bridges: Together We Can Do More

The partnership between United Latinos Business Alliance and EBS Food Program Inc. exemplifies the belief that "Together We Can Do More." By combining resources, expertise, and community networks, these organizations are creating a synergy that addresses the multifaceted challenges faced by residents. This collaboration is not merely about addressing immediate needs; it's about building bridges that connect individuals and families to sustained support, empowerment, and a brighter future.


As the United Latinos Business Alliance and EBS Food Program Inc. embark on this collaborative journey, the impact on Worcester's neighborhoods is poised to be transformative. By pooling their efforts and resources, these organizations are not only addressing the pressing issue of food insecurity but are also sowing the seeds for community resilience and empowerment. Together, they are proving that collective action, guided by a shared vision, can create lasting change and build a more resilient and equitable future for Central Massachusetts.


Stephen Mpendaamani is a compassionate individual with a heart for helping others, especially those in need. Born and raised in Kenya, Stephen has witnessed many people's hardships, particularly the homeless boys in his community.

With a strong Christian faith, Stephen and his wife Diana felt called to do something about the plight of these boys. In December 2020, they established the Bible Street Kenya Boys Rescue Center. This initiative aims to provide a haven for homeless boys, offering them shelter, food, education, and spiritual guidance.

Stephen's upbringing in a Christian family significantly shaped his values and desire to make a positive change in the world. He believes everyone deserves love, care, and opportunities for a brighter future. Through the Bible Street Kenya Boys Rescue Center, Stephen and his team work tirelessly to provide these boys with the necessary tools to thrive.

In addition to addressing the immediate needs of the boys, Stephen and Diana also focus on their spiritual growth. They believe that faith in God can bring inner healing and transformation. By sharing the teachings of the Bible and guiding the boys in their spiritual journey, Stephen hopes to empower them to overcome their pasts and build a better future for themselves.

Stephen's dedication, compassion, and unwavering faith have been instrumental in the Bible Street Kenya Boys Rescue Center's early success. Through his leadership and the support of the local community, the initiative has already significantly impacted the lives of many homeless boys.

Stephen Mpendaamani's ultimate goal is to break the cycle of homelessness and poverty in Kenya by providing these boys with the necessary resources and support to become self-sufficient in the long run. He envisions a future where every child has a safe and nurturing environment to grow, develop, and fulfill their potential.

Stephen's efforts to help homeless boys in Kenya not only reflect his genuine commitment to Christian principles but also inspire others. His story reminds us that a single act of kindness can create a ripple effect of change, transforming the lives of individuals and communities for the better.

Feeding these boys and providing a safe and nurturing environment are also important. Thus, Stephen Bible Street Kenya Boys Rescue Center came to life.

It was a humbling experience for both my wife and me to witness the dire straits these boys were in. The Covid pandemic had taken a toll on everyone, but it was particularly devastating for those living on the streets. Every day, we saw their hunger, desperation, and longing for a better life.

Moved by compassion, we started by providing them food but soon realized that a mere meal was not enough. These boys needed more than just physical sustenance. They needed love, education, guidance, and medical care. We could not stand idly by while their potential was wasted on the streets.

With the support of our community and some generous individuals, we acquired a small property to serve as the home for Stephen Bible Street Kenya Boys Rescue Center. It was a humble space, but it was filled with hope and promise. We worked tirelessly to transform it into a safe and welcoming environment where these boys could find solace and rediscover their worth.

Our center became more than just a shelter. It became a place of healing and transformation. We provided them with necessities like food, clothing, and shelter, but we also focused on their emotional, intellectual, and spiritual development. We offered counseling and therapy, taught them valuable life skills, and encouraged them to pursue education.

Education became a central pillar of our mission. We firmly believe education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty and despair. We partnered with local schools and volunteers who dedicated their time teaching these young boys. Witnessing their progress as they started excelling academically and dreaming of brighter futures was heartwarming.

However, our journey was challenging. Running a rescue center requires financial resources, and we relied solely on donations and fundraising efforts. There were times when we questioned whether we would be able to sustain our operations, but our faith and the unwavering support of our community pushed us forward.

As days turned into months, we saw the profound impact our center was making in the lives of these boys. Many of them found solace and redemption within our walls. They discovered their talents, developed their skills, and gained the confidence to create a better future.

Today, Stephen Bible Street Kenya Boys Rescue Center stands as a beacon of hope. We have rescued and transformed numerous lives, giving them a second chance at happiness and success. Our work is far from over, but we remain committed to giving these boys the love and support they deserve.

In conclusion, Stephen Bible Street Kenya Boys Rescue Center was born out of compassion and a deep desire to alleviate the sufferings of street boys during the Covid period. We saw their hunger, desperation, and longing for a better life and knew we had to act. Through a combination of food, shelter, education, and love, our center has become a sanctuary for these boys. We have witnessed the incredible transformation that can arise when someone is given a chance to thrive. As long as there are boys in need, Stephen Bible Street Kenya Boys Rescue Center will continue to be a guiding light in their lives.
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