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January 2024

New Years Message

United Latinos Business Alliance is dedicated to harnessing the power of unity in order to reach our business objectives. We recognize that working together can achieve far more than we could individually. Our unique referral system plays a crucial role in fostering strong relationships and connections within our community, allowing us to capitalize on valuable business opportunities. As a result, we are confident that by prioritizing unity and collaboration,
we will maximize our potential and achieve unprecedented success in the coming year.

As we set our sights on the future, the United Latinos Business Alliance is unwavering in its commitment to leveraging our unity and referral system to make 2024 a year of boundless opportunities and accomplishments. By capitalizing on the strengths and talents of our members, we are confident that we can pave the way for unlimited achievable goals. 

ongoing collaboration and support, we aim to create an environment that empowers all our members to thrive and prosper in their entrepreneurial endeavors. We firmly believe that together, we can turn our collective aspirations into reality, making 2024 a transformative year for our alliance.
At United Latinos Business Alliance, we recognize that our strength lies in our unity, and our referral system is a powerful tool for building and nurturing valuable business connections.

Moving forward, we are dedicated to seizing every opportunity to make meaningful contributions to the success and growth of our members. By upholding a spirit of collaboration and inclusivity, we are committed to creating an environment where all members feel supported and empowered to achieve their business goals. We are excited to embark on the journey ahead and work together to make 2024 a year of unparalleled achievement and prosperity for the
United Latinos Business Alliance.

In this New Year, we at ULBA wish you a prosperous and blessed year full of meaningful connections, new ideas, health, and prosperity. Remember to always make time to make memories with your family and create a relationship with God. God Bless you.
Featuring Alma Ortiz With APro Clening Services

In this edition of our newsletter, we are thrilled to dedicate a segment to one of our outstanding members who has truly exemplified the power of referrals and leveraged the opportunities provided by United Latinos Business Alliance. Join us in celebrating the remarkable journey of Alma Ortiz, who joined us in August 2023 and has since demonstrated unwavering dedication and resilience in building her business, APro Cleaning Services.

Alma's story is one of strength, faith, and determination. After the tragic loss of her husband in 2020, Alma made the brave decision to continue his legacy and pursue her entrepreneurial dreams. Despite facing numerous challenges, Alma has not only persevered but thrived in her business endeavors. APro Cleaning Services, offering both residential and commercial services,
has seen exceptional growth, thanks in part to the connections and opportunities facilitated by United Latinos Business Alliance.

Since joining our alliance, Alma has harnessed the power of referrals to secure over 8 direct new customers, resulting in substantial recurring business for APro Cleaning Services. Through her hard work and determination, Alma has not only continued her husband's legacy but has also built a successful business of her own. Her achievements stand as a testament to the mission and vision of ULBA.
We are proud to have been able to create numerous valuable connections for APro Cleaning Services, generating significant income for Alma in just 5 months. Alma's remarkable success serves as a vivid example of the reason we established United Latinos Business Alliance. 

Her dedication, resilience, and commitment to excellence truly embody the spirit of our alliance. Congratulations, Alma Ortiz, for your outstanding achievements with APro Cleaning Services. You are a true blessing to our community, and we are honored to celebrate your success.
JANUARY 24th, 2024
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